Monday, January 11, 2021

Fundamental and Technical Analysis of Investing in Perth Property Market

A very good new year to you.


As we enter into a brand new start of 2021, I will like to share my personal thoughts of using fundamental and technical analysis of investing in Perth property market.


There are many ups and downs, twists and turns in every property cycle, so regardless of the timing of the cycle, as a long-term investor, you need to ensure that the fundamentals of the property market you want to enter is strong.


For me, I will like to look into the followings for fundamental analysis:


1)      Population growth rate


The first thing you need to find out is whether people are moving into this area for work and living. Local government area usually would release population forecast and actual number of people moving in and how fast it is. Study the population trend and you would have a clear picture of its implications of your investment property.


2)      Planning activities by the local, state and federal government


Have a good understanding of the city plan that laid down by the local, state and federal government. From the planning activities, you would have an overview of how the land is been used. The keynote of looking at the planning activities is to understand the premium of the land, and that has a strong implication in the purchase price of the property.


3)      Supply and demand


From the population growth rate that you have found out in point 1, you would be able to determine the demand of dwellings needed. Divide the actual number of people migrating into this area by 4 per household; then divide by 12 months. You would get the supply number in which local government needs to build in order to meet the demand of dwellings needed.


I always feel that stock markets and property markets behave one thing very differently, and that is speed. You can press the button on your computer to trigger long/short position of the selected stock within seconds and deal is done. But, for property, the speed of transaction is not within seconds. Hence, by using technical analysis for property investment is mainly to assist us to know the current market sentiment of the location that we want to invest into. However, technical analysis can be difficult due to lack of transaction activities or information.


For me, I will like to look into the followings for technical analysis:


1)      Auction clearance rate


This data showed the percentage of sold properties at auction on a particular week or month. You can use this as a guide to determine the number of buyers and sellers in the market. A high clearance rate generally indicates a growing property market while a low clearance rate may indicate a slowing property market.


2)      Days on market


This data basically helps the seller to have a good feel of how long it takes to sell a property. Hence, when days on market is getting shorter, you may want to consider to sell off and when they get longer, you may want to hold.


3)      Median house price


This data gives an indication of how the property market is doing especially where property prices are moving.


In summary, start off with fundamental analysis of the specific location and real estate asset type that you want to enter into. After you have zero in the property that you want, proceed with technical analysis. By combining both approaches, I hope it will help you to invest property in a right location at a right time.


What is your thought on this?


Please feel free to share your thoughts and views in my blog or Facebook Page.

I look forward to hearing your valuable insights. 

Stay safe and keep healthy.

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